Idee & Spunti per la Pasticceria Dolce e Salata in Epoca di Corona Virus

Debora Vena

Together with our business partner Elle & Vire and Debora Vena we will spend an afternoon together in the name of high sweet and savory pastry.

Young, determined, full of determination, curious and deeply dedicated to continuous training and professional growth, these are just some of Debora’s characteristics.

Her philosophy?

Scrupulous care and attention to every detail, from the choice of genuine and quality raw materials to the complete customization of products for its customers.

This vision is accompanied and sustained by a deep passion for one’s profession, a strong creative spirit and sincere humility, a quality necessary to be able to grow more and more.

Contact us for information!

WHEN 20th October 2020
WHERE ICIF- Costigliole d’Asti- P.zza Vittorio Emanuele II, 10
HOUR 14.30 – 17.30
REGISTRATION Download the registration form or Contact us


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